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Mitsubishi NW Pajero Platinum II Limited Edition 4D SUV - 5sp auto 3.2L 4cyl T/Diesel MY12 Tyres

Tyreright has a range of tyres for Mitsubishi NW Pajero Platinum II Limited Edition 4D SUV - 5sp auto 3.2L 4cyl T/Diesel MY12 at Learn more

Fitment Options

Please note this information is only accurate if the factory wheel & tyre sizes remain the same.

The best tyres for your Mitsubishi NW Pajero Platinum II Limited Edition 4D SUV - 5sp auto 3.2L 4cyl T/Diesel MY12

Not sure what tyres are correct for your Mitsubishi NW Pajero Platinum II Limited Edition 4D SUV - 5sp auto 3.2L 4cyl T/Diesel MY12, trust our team to recommend tyres that meet all your requirements.