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Car Alignments

Dont forget to check your tyres when buying a used car

There are lots of great used vehicles on the market at any one time, and many make great affordable options for buyers keen on some savings. Safety should be just as important as price, however, so it is imperative that you check that the vehicle is in safe driving condition – and make sure you start with the tyres.

Taking a good look at car, 4WD or truck tyres on a used vehicle is important because tyre safety is critical to overall vehicle safety – they’re your only point of contact with the road!

Check the tread depth – the minimum legal tread depth is 1.6 mm, but at 3 mm you should be planning to replace tyres, and once you hit 2 mm depth you need to take action.

Have a look at the pattern of tread wear on the tyres. If you can see evidence of uneven tread wear, this can indicate problems with wheel alignment, suspension or steering. If you were to get a great deal on a used vehicle and then find it had these types of problems, you would not likely be happy!

That’s why safety is just as important as price – if you don’t check first, you’ll feel it in the wallet in the end.

When inspecting used vehicles, also look for signs of damage or repairs on the tyres. Cuts, bulges, or cracks can compromise the structural integrity of the tyre, posing a risk to your safety. While some cosmetic blemishes may be acceptable, any damage that appears deep or extensive should be taken seriously. Replacing damaged tyres should be factored into your purchasing decision and budget.

Additionally, check the age of the tyres. Tyres generally have a lifespan of around six years, regardless of the tread depth. To find the manufacturing date, look for the four-digit code on the sidewall. The first two digits represent the week, and the last two digits represent the year of production. If the tyres are nearing the end of their lifespan or are already past it, you should consider the cost of replacement when negotiating the price of the used vehicle.

Lastly, make sure the tyres are properly inflated. Underinflated or overinflated tyres can cause uneven wear, poor handling, and reduced fuel efficiency. Ask the seller if they have maintained the recommended tyre pressure throughout the vehicle’s use. A well-maintained set of tyres reflects a responsible owner who likely took good care of the entire vehicle.

In conclusion, when purchasing a used vehicle, never underestimate the importance of thoroughly checking the tyres. Ensuring the tyres are in good condition, properly inflated, and free from damage will not only save you money in the long run but also contribute to your safety on the road. Remember, your vehicle’s tyres are the only point of contact between you and the road – make sure they’re up to the task.

Our team of tyre experts are available to help at any one of our stores. Take advantage of our free tyre health check.

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Posted 11/04/2023