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Bushmate Hero One


The Bushmate P328 tyre features an open-centre chevron design, enhancing traction and grip for lawn and garden applications. Its robust build reduces punctures and extends wear life.

Bushmate White

Unyielding Grip, Unmatched Durability

The Bushmate P328 is a high-performance tyre designed specifically for lawn and garden use, ideal for environments where control and durability are paramount. This tyre boasts an open-centre chevron tread pattern that provides superior lug-type traction, making it perfect for navigating through tough, uneven landscapes.

Its 4-ply rating and tubeless construction not only enhance its toughness against punctures but also promote better wear, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability.

The P328 is an excellent choice for Australian consumers looking for a durable, efficient garden tyre.

The “R-1” designation for the Bushmate P328 tyre indicates that it is primarily designed for use in agricultural applications, offering deep treads for optimal traction in soft, muddy, or loose soil conditions typically found in farming environments.


Open-Centre Chevron Design

Offers increased traction capabilities, essential for effective grip on soft and uneven surfaces typically found in garden settings.

Tubeless and 4 Ply Rated

Enhances structural integrity, making the tyre resistant to punctures and suitable for rugged use without the need for inner tubes.

Superior Durability

Engineered for better wear, the tyre's robust construction ensures it can withstand the demands of lawn and garden work, prolonging its usable life.

Specialised for Lawn and Garden

Specifically designed to meet the challenges of garden environments, providing reliable performance where it's most needed.

All sizes available for the
Bushmate P328

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Width 18
Rim 8.5
Load Index
Speed Index
Run Flat No